New Moon
June 10th

Full Moon
June 24th
Summer Solstice June 20th
Conscious awareness reveals the last of Spring’s ripened treasures - a delicious end to a lively season for those who seek it out.
Cyclical Insights
Traditionally in several native cultures, this Moon is known as the Strawberry Moon. This is the last Moon cycle of Spring, so ending it on a sweet note of ripening wild strawberries makes perfect sense. We are at the end of the first chapter of the year. Reflecting back on this season, how fertile and bountiful was it for you? This June Moon is also known as the Rose Moon (as roses are in full bloom) and the Honey Moon as the mating season is coming to a conclusion and new chapters of life, marriage and family begin. It’s also known as the Mead Mood, named for the month’s worth of Honey Wine that was gifted to couples to bring sweet intoxication to the start of their journey.
What would you call this Moon based on where you live and what you are noticing?
Themes of This Moon
Adventure - Gather - Reward - Reverence - Transition
Movement: Crawling & Climbing
Atmosphere: Warm, Sunny, Clear
Pearl The only gemstone in the world created by a living organism, a symbol of purity and innocence.
Herb: Rose Petals have been used in traditional medicine and in culinary applications across the globe in many different cultures for millenia. They have been commonly used in skincare and digestive disorders and possess potent energetic abilities to soothe, soften and uplift moods.
Flower: Rose Possibly the most symbolic of all flowers, this beautiful flower has distinctive meaning based on its color: red for love & passion, white for innocence, yellow for friendship, etc...
Tree: Fig A tree rich in symbolism as Adam and Eve supposedly used fig leaves to cover themselves, now used as a metaphorical reference to cover up something distasteful. In practical terms, the fig is a delicious and mineral rich fruit that is coveted as an important source of energy with numerous health benefits from aiding in weight loss and sexual dysfunction to strengthening bones and lowering blood pressure. It can even be used as healthy fodder for animals.
What’s In Season (Late Spring)
Vegetables: Artichokes, Arugula, Asparagus, Beans, Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chili Peppers, Corn, Cucumbers, Garlic, Kale, Leeks, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Onions, Peas, Potatoes, Spinach
Fruits: Cherries, Figs, Grapes, Lemons, Nectarines, Oranges, Peaches, Plums, Raspberries, Strawberries, Watermelon
Self Reflections of This Moon

As we honor our journey towards the end of Spring, adventure and reward begin calling us to explore before the heat tells us to conserve. This Moon cycle embodies transition and the last of Spring’s abundance - a time which ignites immense gratitude. We have witnessed rebirth once again, and the marvelous cycles of life and death continue to move through us all.
Share your bounty! You are ripe with insights and renewed experience - your community awaits your co-creations!