Tori Ainsworth wears many hats. She helps direct and refine Christy Dawn’s marketing ecosystem, facilitating the perfect marriage of creative and practical ideas that tell our story in a myriad of ways. We caught up with Tori to chase the sun around her beloved Venice neighborhood and discuss what lights her up the most.
The Ainsworth Dress in Violet Morning
What’s your favorite aspect of working with Christy Dawn?
No two days are ever the same - there’s constant change, evolution and growth. There’s an acknowledgement within the Christy Dawn family that our direction is more important than our speed, and I sure do love the direction we’re headed in :)
What inspires you?
People - their wonder, their courage, their wisdom, their stories.
How do you Honor Mother Earth?
I try to spend as much time with her as possible. It’s such a good reset, and even just putting my feet in the soil will bring me to a place of greater balance and appreciation for this beautiful planet we all call home. It can be tough to make the time to sit in nature - I’m “busy”, like so many of us - but there’s a zen meditation that reads: “You should sit in nature for 20 minutes a day. Unless you’re busy - then you should sit for an hour.” Amen to that.