New Moon
March 13th

Full Moon
March 28th
Spring Equinox March 20th
The end of Winter approaches, the quiet dormancy of life begins to yawn and awaken.
Cyclical Insights
March’s Full Moon is known as The Worm Moon, The Sap Moon, The Crow Moon, and The Crust Moon. In the southern native traditions, the earthworm signifies the end of Winter as they make their way up and visible through the crust of the Earth. In the northern regions, this is known as The Sap Moon. As the snow begins to thaw, the Maple Trees begin to release their sap - the very valuable mineral and fructose-rich maple syrup that will be savored until the following Spring. This transition is very apparent with signs and signals abound, like the black crows that begin to caw, spreading the word that Winter is coming to a close.
Based on where you live and what you are noticing, what would you call this moon? complain and decline…it’s always up to you.
Themes of This Moon
Transformation - Awakening - Observation
Movement: Squatting & Stretching
Atmosphere: Clear & Cold
Crystal: Bloodstone is the original birthstone of March. It’s a jasper known for enabling mental clarity and decision making with powerful “grounding” abilities. Bloodstone heightens creativity and allows for clearer access to one’s intuition. A stone great for neutralizing and warding off negative environmental energy as well as harmful electromagnetic energies.
Herb(s): Wild Cherry Bark a powerful plant whose bark is used traditionally for a potent medicinal syrup used for coughs and colds. It has a natural ability to aid in lung issues as an expectorant with cough suppressing effects.
Burdock Root a powerful diuretic and detoxifying herb that has the ability to purify the blood by removing toxins, enhancing liver, kidney, and bowel function all aiding in strengthening immunity. It’s packed with antioxidants, great for digestive aid, joint pain, and seasonal transitions. Also when applied to skin, great for acne and psoriasis.
Flower: Daffodils The cute and unassuming flower of this moon cycle represents rebirth and new beginnings just like Spring. It is the first perennial to bloom after winter begins to melt away. This little sun filled flower is also associated with creativity, inspiration, awareness, and inner reflection.
Tree: Maple This tree is deeply associated with the coming of Spring as it sap runs in abundance with the first thaw of snow. A time of great excitement as nature’s nectar pours out getting most northerners with Maple trees out collecting and processing this sweet reward after enduring the harshness of Winter. It represents strength, balance, generosity, and promise, all characteristics of how giving it is providing edible aspects for many forest creatures & humans.
What’s In Season (Mid Winter)
Vegetables: Artichokes, Asparagus, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Fennel, Fiddlehead Ferns, Nettles, Onions, Potatoes, Shallots, Sweet Potatoes, Sunchokes, Turnips, Yams
Fruits & Nuts: Apples, Avocados, Cherimoya, Dates, Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Navel Oranges, Mandarin, Passion Fruit, Pears, Sapote, Walnuts
Self Reflections of This Moon

Subtlety is key here, soft eyes, owl ears, and a gentle touch unveils the vastness of change that’s all around us. As Winter fades away and new life shows itself, are you ready to show yourself? Transformation is abound, what types of transformation has occurred for you this past Winter? Manifest the Magic You Dreamed of this Winter!
The dance towards the sun begins.