New Moon - December 25th & Full Moon January 10th
Winter and a New Year are here, and so are you.
Cyclical Insights
January’s Full Moon is known as The Wolf Moon, The Old Moon, The Snow Moon and The Winter Moon. In native traditions, the sound of wolves howling becomes abundant during this moon as breeding season begins. However their strategic resourcefulness and incredible ability to communicate and express themselves are also key themes during this harsh winter month. Winter in the cycles of a lifetime is represented by elders in their final season of life, which is an ode to The Old Moon. Snow is falling and Winter is here and life outside for all life forms that are not equipped are passing or hibernating till Spring returns.
What would you call this moon based on where you live and what you are noticing?
Themes Of This Moon
Communication - Resourcefulness - Collaboration
HerbAstragalus Root - a powerful “adaptogenic herb” with a wide variety of healing properties that range from boosting the immune system, reducing stress, aiding in sleeping disorders, possessing anti-aging properties as it helps in the growth of new tissue, aids in hormonal balance, and is packed with antibiotic and antiviral properties. |
CrystalGarnet - the birthstone for January. A stone of passion and deep emotion that exudes the ability to aid in inner transformation, much like a seed that has the potential to grow into something magnificent given the right nourishment and circumstances. Hence its latin origin “garanatus” meaning “seedlike.” |
MovementPranic Breathing |
AtmosphereCold & Frosty |
TreeCypress - This ancient tree is very long lived with documentation of living thousands of years. Its classic conical shape associated the Cypress with pointing to heaven and the stars. This became the tree of mourning associated with the afterlife and found throughout cemeteries throughout the world. It also symbolizes death as this tree is unable to regenerate if cut back too much. Its branches were used to make wreaths for statues of Pluto, the ruler of the underworld and used to fumigate the air during cremation, a true Winter tree indeed. |
FlowerCarnation - Its Latin name Dianthus means “divine flower” and it is known as the “flower of the gods” for its intoxicating smell. Carnations have a long history in symbolism with “incarnation.” Used in many cultures around the world for weddings, secret loves, and given to admirers to “birth something new.” |
What’s In Season
(Early Fall)
VegetablesArtichoke, Asparagus, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Fennel, Horseradish, Mushrooms, Onions, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Shallots, Sunchokes, Turnips, Winter Squash, Yams |
FruitsApples, Avocados, Cantaloupe, Cherimoya, Cranberries, Dates, Hazelnuts, Kiwi, Lemons, Limes, Oranges, Mandarin, Passion Fruit, Pears, Persimmons, Pomegranates, Quince, Sapote, Walnuts |
Self Reflections
The end of a decade. A chapter concluded for all living beings on this earth. Let’s leave behind what keeps us separate, what keeps us from loving unconditionally and bring forward everything we’ve got to find what we already have within.
It’s 2020, how’s your vision? What do you see for yourself in this New Year and new decade? Close your eyes and allow yourself to see.
A fine Winter’s Brew of internal alchemy sparks the hearth for a New Year.