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New Moon in Uttarā Āsādha Nakshatra

New Moon in Uttarā Āsādha Nakshatra

New Moon Exact : Tuesday night, Jan 12, 2021

9:00 pm PST | 10:00 pm MT | 11:00 pm CT | 12:00 am* ET
*midnight Wednesday 1.13.21 for those in Eastern Standard Time

As we close the book on the year when time stood still, we open a new one with a fighting lunge; an opening of histrionic proportions which appears to be the perfect counter-jolt to the historic inertia of 2020. Like sleepwalkers, we’ve been shaken awake, into the feverish insistence that we address our distress. Ready or not, we are clearly in for a year which, at the starting gate, boasts of its ability to wake us up out of our paralytic ennui.

The sun has certainly lit the match to this new year’s fire & the moon has raced to join him in the Vedic star sign of victory, Uttarā Āṣāḍha (उत्तराषाढ). This star addresses our resilience in the face of intimidating odds. It asks us to “go long” with our vision & to remain undeterred, patient, and unflinching before any & all obstacles. Both Uttarā Āṣāḍha & its previous star (Pūrvā Āṣāḍha) deal with the approach, attainment, & consequence of true victory as well as the battles we undertake to achieve it.

In the journey through this aspect of the Zodiac we question the very nature of “winning” versus gaining a victory that can never be lost or taken from you. Often before we can claim the wisened high-side of these star signs we must first confront their inherent challenge. The light & the dark side of our ambitions are highlighted as we enter the influence of Uttarā Āṣāḍha & we find ourselves face-to-face with the futility of our righteous indignation, resentment, & trigger-happy tendencies.

However daunting that may seem, the silver lining of Uttarā Āṣāḍha presents the opportunity to face our weaknesses head-on & sculpt them into our highest assets, transforming us into a truly adept, & even invincible warrior-diplomat. With both the Moon & Sun converging in this same sign, our celestial luminaries appear to be throwing the gauntlet, like the greatest of knights casting their gloves to the ground in gallant gesture of formal challenge, silently saying, “Prepare yourself for the opportunity of a lifetime”. Hidden within this rival gesture is the chance to become the most sophisticated embodiment of our dauntless selves. If we are willing to put our fear aside, to listen & courageously act upon the deeper strength offered by this conjunction we are guaranteed a permanent, irreversible victory.

Uttarā Āṣāḍha contains the ability to take our basest matter & spin it into gold. Like a General tasked with rebuilding the city he has just conquered, we must learn to redouble our efforts past the exhaustion of battle, to gather the best of ourselves from the depth of who we are & apply it with Jedi precision to the needs of this moment. When we allow this star to work its special power (or “Shakti”) on us ~ to sculpt us ~ Uttarā Āṣāḍha actualizes the ability to walk into a room of our worst enemies & turn them into our allies. Putting our differences aside & drawing our combined talents together with this star we are truly able to rebuild even the most decimated, desolate “city” or circumstance into a bigger, stronger, more beautiful, just, & equitable kingdom. Beyond hope & aspiration, we have the opportunity to lay the foundation for a living, breathing, & sustainable legacy that we can not only be proud of, but that can be counted on to exist far past the pale of the reward. 

Through alignment with this incredible star our first New Moon of 2021 focuses its gaze clear past the battlefield to the gates of the new world it will build with the promise of undisputed victory. This is the time to commit to your highest dreams by daring to heal your deepest pain. It is the time to harness all of your strength & talent to a greater purpose. This is the moment to draw a new blueprint, sign contracts, initiate a plan of action, but foremost to stand firm in your resolve to better the world around you by first conquering your enemies (weaknesses) within; to face yourself fearlessly & through heroic example lead the world around you to a new horizon. Uttarā Āṣāḍha’s worldliness, success & sophistication all stem from the promise of our own refinement. In our willingness to identify the gifts of our adversaries & bring out the best in even our “enemies” we draw out the unconquerable power of aligning with our highest values until they become our living virtues.

With Love & Strength,

Jane Anne