Beltane Waxing Crescent in Taurus
May 1st

Full Moon In Scorpio & Lunar Eclipse
May 15th

New Moon In Gemini
May 30th
April invited us to ground the spark of Spring renewal, to replenish, nourish and root. The inbreath is followed by another exhale this month, and the expansion of May brings with it a season of delight, pollination, alchemy, play and co-creation.
On May 1st, we celebrate the holy-day of Beltane, which marks the midpoint between the start of Spring on the Equinox, and the climax of the Solar Season on the Summer Solstice.
The archetype of Lovers imbues this month as flowers seduce the butterflies and bees, so more flowers may turn to fruit within our hearts, our creative endeavors, and in Nature all around.
May invites us into the grand marriage of Heaven and Earth. We are reminded that our role is to create more beauty, health and safety for all of life to flourish.
Open your heart to the wonder of Nature – restore your innocence and hope, follow your dreams and reach out for help from life and the great mystery. Take a leap of faith in your dance with the Beloved.
What has bloomed in you this Spring?
How can you collaborate with life to pollinate your flowers into fruit?
What tangible sustenance, food for more life to flourish, can be shared from your heart and hands, for the human and non-human all around?
Cyclical Insights
The first day of the month is the tipping point between Spring and Summer — a holy day where we humans can feed the maturation of creative energies into food, sustenance and more life to come.
While this astronomical middle point (called a cross quarter day) has been celebrated in many cultures whose rituals help the Great Wheel of time continue to turn, Beltane specifically is the ancient druidic name for this day’s celebrations among the Celtic people.
Betlane is a fire festival where feasts, dancing, and celebrations ensure the fertility of land and animals. Other cultures honor this day with flowers (Lei Day in Hawaii), rituals of couples jumping over a bonfire (for their love to endure and fruit), decorating livestock with wildflowers (fertility and honoring those who give us food and life).
The Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse on May 15th support us in exploring this alchemical dance between self and other with a Taurus- Scorpio polarity. Allow nature to teach you balance between the tangible and the transformative. In this play, May is here to support your creative expressions, declarations, and manifestations!
The month ends with a New Moon in Gemini, with communication in the month of pollination offering us a dark Moon portal within which to cast clear spells of life-feeding commitments.
Be courageous in your explorations and alchemy, like the pollinating butterfly. Be soft in your opening heart like the blossoming Rose singing her unique song to all of creation.
Remember your power to create more kindness, beauty and health in your world and in all worlds. Blessed be.
What would you call this Moon based
on where you live and what you are noticing?
Themes of This Moon
Atmosphere: Flowers bloom and beckon pollination. All of Nature is in ecstatic dance of creative bliss, fertility and songs of fruition to come.
Movement: Garden, tend to your land, let your fingers caress the plants, let your lips kiss seeds you plant, let your bare feet listen to the living soil around you. Break a sweat by turning your compost or digging new beds for more life to be sown. Physical work in the garden builds strength, has antidepressant effects, and brings the most tangible benefits to all!
Flower: Hawthorne The white, feminine flowers of the Hawthorn tree were once the time piece announcing the arrival of the festivals of fertility. Brides called on these flowering branches for love and protection, lovers slept under the blooms and offerings to this sacred magickal tree were made for the fairy folk.
Food Medicine: Nettle Every green witch’s beloved wild superfood weed is in season, growing in forests, along creek beds and meadows. High in vitamins, minerals, enzymes and all essential nutrients, you can dry Nettle to be nourished year long with a tea. Cook it fresh like you would spinach in soups, quiches and pies or make a wild pesto – the list goes on. Nettle shares the unconditional loving energy of the Earth in her generous nutrition and abundant, wild growing nature, while also showing us good boundaries with her stinging leaves. A wise teacher of balance for the month of relating.
Herb: Hawthorn Leaf, Flower & Fruit A tea or tincture of the Hawthorne leaves, flowers or berries makes a lovely heart tonic, balancing blood pressure and strengthening the function of the cardiovascular system. Drink a cup of Hawthorn tea to calm the nerves, relieve tension, open your heart and inspire more courage.
Tree: Hawthorne Found on every continent, the Hawthorn tree is sacred and symbolic of love, protection, balance, the union of opposites and magick in many cultures and lands. It belongs to the Rose family – bearing open hearted, delicate flowers protected by thorny branches.
Journal Prompts
Look back on your journals from last Fall and Winter and write down a list of your hopes, dreams, wishes and prayers.
How did you nurture these seeds for the last months and how have they sprouted and begun to flower? Often a wish we hold may blossom into an unexpected form. Notice what surprises have been growing this Spring. How can you support these flowers within you and all around so they may bear fruit? What ingredients are needed for this alchemy to occur?
Befriend a flower:
Become a sacred friend to a particular kind of flowering plant. Draw her in your sketchbook, or paint. Meditate with her and free-write whatever message she may have for you. Write her a poem or give her a gift. Make a flower essence of her. Fall in love with a flower.