Oshadi has one goal: to produce the most sustainable, regenerative textiles. Its mission is to reinvigorate traditional textile production methods in southern India, creating sustainable livelihoods for its community and celebrating the beauty of its surroundings.
It works with handweavers and natural dyers to create beautifully unique fabrics. Last year, it started learning from its local community about India’s long-standing ecological farming traditions as a first step toward creating a regenerative cotton farm.

Meeting Oshadi
Around the same time Oshadi started developing its regenerative farm idea, the Christy Dawn team was discussing creating a regenerative cotton supply chain starting from the soil. Oshadi’s co-founder and Christy Dawn’s sustainability manager reached out to the same sustainable fashion non-profit in search for a company to partner with. It was perfect, synchronistic timing. Although our companies are on opposite sides of the world, our visions of regenerative cotton garments were almost identical. We immediately started working on our first collaborative project: the farm.
Relationships between brands and suppliers often revolve around rigid expectations and endless paperwork, but our collaboration with Oshadi is truly unique. We’re focused on creating a mutually beneficial relationship, to work together and share our knowledge with a collective goal in mind: to heal Mother Earth.
To us, Oshadi and Christy Dawn represent two communities coming together over their shared passion for healing the Earth and her people. We trust that this collaboration will create something beautiful, because both communities truly believe in a regenerative future for the fashion industry.
“When you think about the wrongs of the industry, it’s a bleak future for the earth. Things have to change. The only way to change is to start going in a different, better direction that is regenerative for the farms and textile communities” -Nishanth, Oshadi’s co-founder
Starting From Somewhere
No one has ever done something like this before. Together, we’re setting off into the unknown, each taking risks and learning as we go. Regenerative farming has not been something traditionally used in the fashion industry, so there is no guidebook, no easy map we can follow. Because we’re really starting from scratch, we aren’t able to forecast exactly what the end results will look like. But we’re confident that because we’ve started out in a place of honoring Mother Earth and keeping her well-being at the forefront of all our decision making, we’ll create a better future for the community and soil.