Libra New Moon
Oct. 16th

Full Moon in Aries
Oct. 20th
The Equinox brings us a balance of light and dark and welcomes us into the season of Fall, with a watery sweet release into the dreamy, creative, intimate and cozy months of the year.
Cyclical Insights
The Equinox on September 22nd sings the song of balance across the Earth and Sky, bringing equal day and night to all of us in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. For just two days a year, all of us on planet Earth experience equal day and night, light and dark.
What would you call this Moon based
on where you live and what you are noticing?
Themes of This Moon
Balance - Release - Renewal - Finding beauty in the darkness
Movement: Walking, gathering leaves, stretching and finding the bliss in the body.
Atmosphere: Cool, crisp evenings and less daylight invite us to tend our body’s inner warmth, our home.
Garnet a stone known to ground dreams into the earth plane. It supports the root chakra, feelings of vitality, safety, and trust in the body. It helps move creative energy and bring inspiration from the Cosmos onto the Earth.
Herb: Burdock Root a powerful diuretic and detoxifying herb that has the ability to purify the blood by removing toxins, enhancing liver, kidney, and bowel function all aiding in strengthening immunity. It’s packed with antioxidants, great for digestive aid, joint pain, and seasonal transitions. Also when applied to skin, great for acne and psoriasis.
Flower: Marigolds They are a “sun loving” plant whose name literally means “Mary’s Gold,” though it’s used for various spiritual and religious ceremonies around the world from Day of the Dead to many Hindu rituals. They interestingly have polar opposite meanings to some, depending on your perspective: passion and creativity or sorrow and despair.
Tree: Maple This tree is deeply associated with Autumn with its magical array of colors it displays during the fall season. It represents strength, balance, generosity, and promise — all characteristics of how giving it is providing edible aspects of many forest creatures and sugar and syrup for us humans.
What’s In Season (Mid-Summer)
Vegetables: Asparagus, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Beets, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Chicory, Chile Peppers, Corn, Leeks, Mushrooms,
Okra, Onions, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Shallots, Turnips, Winter Squash, Yams
Fruits: Pears, Persimmons, Quince, Sapote, Apples, Pomegranates
Journal Prompts

What does balance mean to me?
What have I begun releasing and what am I making space for?
What lives in the darkness that wishes to be tended and fed?
What magic inside of me, what creative dreams, inclinations, dreams are invisible to others but wish to make greater contact with my awareness, soul, voice?
What parts of myself would like more attention and intention?
Evening rituals and practices to weave you into the energy of Fall

• Nervine tea to transition from work day to evening
• Cooking a nourishing meal
• Slowing down, relaxing, resting
• Self massage
• Ritual baths, sauna, bathing, hot tub, any time with water
• An evening stroll alone or with a loved one
• Watching the sunset
• A walk on the beach, time with nature’s water, a swim in wild water
• Creating a sensual, nourishing home environment that holds you sweetly
• Saying no to anything that feels draining
• Creating healthy boundaries, cutting back where energy has been leaking
• Canceling social engagements that feel like an effort
• Ending your work day
• Digital detox
• Reading poetry, listening to music, storytelling, playing an instrument, crafting
• Making medicine
• Meditating, praying, shamanic journeying, doing healing work.
• Giving gratitude for your day, reflecting on your day, journaling
• Helping a friend, sharing a meal, building safe and loving community and relationships
• Giving yourself a little alone time, even if only for 10 minutes
• Cuddling with your pet, children, loved one or with yourself

Contributing Writer Marysia Miernowska
Marysia Miernowska is an herbalist, teacher, author and the Director of The School of the Sacred Wild. She can be found on instagram @Marysia_Miernowska & information on her courses are on her website: www.schoolofthesacredwild.com